Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effects Of Music On Rosa Chinensis Plants - 913 Words

The last study that I reviewed was a study ran by Vidya Chivukula and Shivaraman Ramaswamy called, Effects of Music on Rosa Chinensis plants. Chivukula was a biotechnology major and Ramaswamy has a masters in nanotechnology. Their experiment tested to see if Rosa Chineses plant growth was effected by music or sound in their surroundings. They chose to run this experiment because they believed it would be beneficial to understand the growth of a plant and how its surroundings may affect it. For this experiment that took thirty bulbs from one mother Rosa plants and separated them into five groups. One group was the controlled group and the other four were given a certain type of music to grow with, rock, Western classical, Indian classical, and verdic chants. These plants were exposed to this music for â€Å"sixty minutes in the morning between 6:00 AM- 7:00 AM, immediately after sun-rise for a period of sixty-two days. They made sure that each group was given the same of water, sunli ght and blockage from ambient noise. This experiment did not have as much background information as the other source but gave similar results. The plants exposed to Indian classical, Vedic chants, and Western classical grew much more than silence and even more than rock. Rock in the experiment seemed to hurt the plants, similar to Retallack’s results. The image above are the results of the Chineses experiment. The A column is the number of plants, the B column is the average increase in plant

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