Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Globalization - Essay Example Fashion images projected in the films, magazines, television, and the Internet have created a global style that has spread across different cultures and geographic boundaries. T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball caps, and athletic costumes are traded everywhere from China to Manhattan, and to the African villages. Fashion systems in Asia, Africa, and the West borrow different kinds of textile elements and styles from one another. All these styles are housed under one roof in the large shopping malls in the rich countries. These products gain the attention of customers belonging to all age-groups, ethnicities, genders, cultures, and professions like high-tech global bazaars. This trend of the homogenizing effect across countries and cultures as well as the increased variety of costumes and accessories within the geographic locations reflects a global paradox. Although the shopping malls in different countries across the world have similar stores and the products sold are same, yet every si ngle item has a huge variety. There is a seemingly baffling and infinite variety of cuts and fits in jeans both for men and women, ranging from the billowing baggy style to the stretched tight jeans, and from tapered at the ankle jeans to the bell-bottom jeans. Different styles have been developed to suit the individualistic needs of men and women belonging to different age-groups, and having different heights and physiques. â€Å"While a somewhat baggy, â€Å"relaxed† cut can signify dignified middle-aged femininity, a baggy cut taken to excess can signify hyper-masculine ghetto street smarts. Each variation takes its turn as an ephemeral and arbitrary signifier of shifting identities based on age, gender, ethnicity, or subculture† (â€Å"Globalization†). These days, the Fashion week in different cities around the world including Oslo, Berlin, Lahore, and Kiev are the same. The Fashion week was first organized in 1943 in the New York City. In those days, it was not possible for the Americans to visit Paris to know the latest trends in fashion. The objective of the organizers of the event was to attract the American designers. Fashion weeks are events in which both national and international designers get an opportunity to display their works which not only helps them gain the media attention but also earns them millions of tourist dollars in revenue. Proliferation of the fashion weeks all over the world is a potential sign of globalization of the fashion industry. These days, the most impressive fashion weeks are annually organized in London, Paris, New York, and Milan. The fashion industry grew by leaps and bounds as the fashion weeks were started to be organized in the Islamic countries. In the year 2006, the first fashion week was organized in Tehran. This fashion week featured modestly dressed women. The models wore hijabs, abayas, gowns, and other Islamic outfits in bright colors and prints. In the same year, fashion week was arrange d in New Delhi which featured 60 designers. Out of the 160 buyers who were attracted by the event, over 70 were international. The event earned the organizers profit worth $50 million. Globalization of the fashion industry reached its apogee with the use of the Internet. Internet not only spread awareness about the latest fashion trends, but also enabled the consumers to shop the latest

Monday, February 10, 2020

Professional Values,Ethics and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Professional Values,Ethics and Law - Essay Example Predefined ethics, legal or professional values are to be taken into consideration by individuals belonging to nursing profession. The code of conduct for nursing is distinct in comparison to other profession. United Kingdom encompasses a separate set of conduct for chief nurse and hospital trusts. The case study would be analyzed from different perspectives so as to identify appropriate action which could be taken by the student nurse. There are wide array of ethical theories incorporated in this essay. These theories would be thoroughly discussed with a clear reference to the case study. The legal documents to be highlighted in the study are Human Rights Act (1998), Data Protection Act (1998) and Family Law Reform Act (1969). All possible relevant literature shall be incorporated in order to explore ethical, legal or professional aspects in context of chosen scenario. There is a well defined structure followed in this essay. Firstly focus will be on ethical values in Kate’s consent, followed by professional and legal values. The study would be centred towards application of ethical values in nursing scenario. These three obligations would help to reflect upon solution for the particular case study. Consent from patient should be gained before any treatment is being undertaken. Ethical values play an integral role in nursing profession. Patients look upon nurses or doctors when their health conditions are at a stake. Honesty is always regarded as the best policy, but this philosophical aspect is highly controversial. The first ethical value is of truth telling. Health professionals can develop effective relationship with patients only on the basis of revealing truth. The quality of being loyal, honest or faithful is deeply rooted in nursing profession. However it is not just about telling truth to patients but it is more about being literal or factual. There is a high degree of